Sunday, August 03, 2008

peach salsa

peach salsa
Originally uploaded by valcox
The farmer packing up my bushel of peaches suggested I try the tamillos with it. A peach salsa he explained. I must have looked skeptical because he tossed a few of these odd looking green fruits into my bag without charging me for them. He must have known once I tried it, that I'd be back for more next Thursday.


rosebud101 said...


ShellyD said...

Having visions of canned peaches but fresher are way yummier. Are tamillos somethin like tomatoes?

Gorgeous photo.

Chat soon.

Val Cox said...

Michelle, the tamillos kind of look like a tomato, but they are crunchy and hotter, sort of like a pepper. They're quite good!

Laura Sparling said...

Gorgeous colours!