Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ursa Minor and Butterbean

Ursa Minor and Butterbean
Originally uploaded by valcox
It's spring time and 'lil Bear (Ursa) and Butterbean enjoy the fresh grass and sunshine. Sumo keeps them rounded up to one area--and pounces only when they need to be reminded who is boss.


Laura Sparling said...

This is such a wonderful photo, Val!

My three guinea pigs were out today enjoying the sunshine and mowing the lawn!

Laura x

Dan Allen said...

They almost look like characters from a children's book -- I'm thinking Wind in the Willows -- getting ready to set out on an adventure.

ShellyD said...

Oh Val, they're precious. Beautiful photo!!


ALF said...

AAAHHH!! They're so cute, I could scream.

Val Cox said...

thank you Laura, I love the image of your pigs mowing the lawn, very cute.

Thank you Dan, oh yes, they were on an adventure all right. All sorts of squeals when it was time to pack up.

Thanks Michelle, I can't remember if I had Ursa when you visited me last, she's a sweetie, just like Butterbean.

Ahh, no screaming Alf! hehe!