Monday, April 28, 2008

our new tomato plants

our new tomato plants
Originally uploaded by valcox
I've never grown tomatoes before, but I figured it can't be that difficult. The pots are huge, Fred had the idea to place them on wheeled platforms so I can roll them around.

I have a feeling this will not be the last blog photo of these plants!


Anonymous said...

good luck with your tomatoes, val! my great uncle george said the secret to his amazing tomatoes was a good soaking with miracle-gro after planting. nothing beats fresh homegrown tomatoes. now plant a pot of basil too -- heavenly combination!

ALF said...

ohhh - last year we grew tomatoes starting in June. The plants died in the beginning of September due to frost. There were over 1,000 tomatoes from 3 plants. That's why we call my dad the Tomato Whisperer.

Val Cox said...

luanne, I'm following uncle George's lead...Miracle-Gro goes on my shopping list. Thank you!

Alf, are you kinding, 1,000 tomatoes? oh boy, this is going to be fun!

Annabelle said...

and I bet your garden will continue to grow.....lemon cucumbers, zucchini, peppers..etc...good luck with those tomatoes!

Val Cox said...

I'm making a list, thank you Annabelle! Lemon cucumbers, peppers (might skip the zucchini-no one would eat it be me)

Phillip and Lisa Hill said...

Yes, you would think that it wouldn't be that hard to grow plants, but for some reason mine didn't grow well at all last year. It may be because I neglected them a bit, but I still think they should have done a little better than they did. They got watered. I do not have a green thumb whatsoever.

Val Cox said...

Lisa, yes it was likely the water issue. No matter, you are doing a great job raising those 3 young boys...tomatoes are small stuff! lol! Nice to see you!