Monday, April 21, 2008

candy land

candy land
Originally uploaded by valcox

So it's Friday night, and the guys have gone camping for the whole weekend. Olivia is 17 1/2 so that I know her social calendar is booked--and I'm not in it. That means if I want to get photos of the town carnival in the farmer's field--I better head over.

The weather is low 70's Pennsylvania perfect and even though I spend the better part of the day rigging up a new housing for my Ansco Rediflex + studio camera, I don't finish until after dark, but I'm reay to go. Wow, so many colors on a grassy ground--kids both young and old, so well behaved and nicely dressed, it's a California photographer's evening dream.

The carnival was made more special with a caramel apple (or three)--These are big Pennsylvania Dutch red apples, buttery caramel, coarse chopped peanuts. I remembered the carmel apples from last year. I had another.

Saturday night, the boys are still gone, I figure I'll head over to the carnival since it's the last night. This time a bit earlier--dusk. It was a great time to go. I park further out and walk up through the side of the farmer's field, spaced between families. The anticipation from the kids, takes me back to the late 1960s, early 1970s, when I'm with my parents and sister going to the Ridgecrest Fair. The night is slightly cooler, sweatshirt weather, overcast skies. Completely different from the month-of-May feel the night before. Classic Pennsylvania spring. I buy two more caramel apples. I eat one sitting on the grassy sidelines, the other is enjoyed with a plate and knife, later that night, while I go through my photos.


Laura Sparling said...

What a lovely, evocative post, Val. Happy and cheery photo too.

Those apples sound delicious!

Laura x

Dan Allen said...

Wow! The whole small town/suburban carnival thing, you got it exactly! Great shots. Like Laura said -- evocative.