Monday, March 31, 2008

bowl of blackberries

bowl of blackberries
Originally uploaded by valcox
We're going to start a little garden, nothing ornamental --this will be a garden of berries, elderberries, blackberries, currants and more. It's all staked out!


Amy said...

Your garden sounds lovely. I am really enjoying getting my hands in the dirt this spring too! There is something very peaceful about the process of gardening, especially when it's all edible!

ShellyD said...

The garden sounds like heaven!!

Uhhmmmm, can you teleport those berries over here. They look yummy. (Sad Face) - berries heading out of season here.

Val Cox said...

thank you Amy, yes we are excited about it starting the garden. Fred doesn't really like berries, but I love them enough for both of us!

Michelle, zapping some good 'berry thoughts' down to So Africa for you!

dilling said...

we have loads of raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries and blueberries...this year we hope to transplant some wild huckleberries... and then a tiny spot for carrots, beets, parsnips and roma tomatoes...berries is always where it's at...
oh, some hops vines, too, and hopefully this year one of the kiwi vines will produce at least one kiwi...fingers crossed.

Becky said...

Mmmmm...blackberries. I picked gallons and gallons of those as a girl.

Beautiful photo. Are you a food stylist? Those look like cookbook or magazine photos.

dawn klinge said...

Yum, I want to plant some more berries this year.

Kellan said...

I love blackberries! I grew up picking blackberries on my grandfathers farm - love them!!

Thanks for coming by Val- so nice to see you. Have a good evening - Kellan