Monday, January 07, 2008

lemon on blue

Originally uploaded by valcox


raine said...


Anonymous said...

Your photos are how I start my day. Thank you for another "gift".... (I'm also eating more fruit than ever).

travelinma said...

The lighting is what really makes this.......thanks. Barbara

ALF said...

I loe that bowl.

Val Cox said...

thank you Rain! Thanks Minnie, glad to start the day off right!

Travelma, it's amazing what can be done in a dark room with a single flashlight. It's easy when there's little to work with!

Alf, I got these Japanese bowls for Christmas, they came from Anthropology. I have 2 different colors and they are my favorite still life bowls. I suspect we'll all be seeing plenty of them in the coming months!

Val Cox said...

my typo, I meant I have 3 different colors, 6 in total, special bowls purchased just for still lifes! lol!

Kellan said...

Now this would be a beautiful painting, wouldn't it? It's a beautiful photo. See ya. Kellan

dilling said...

very, very pretty