Monday, October 08, 2007

upstairs cottage

upstairs cottage
Originally uploaded by valcox
My friend told me of a vivid dream she had last night. Though we've never met in person, she told me of a visit to my home. A nice visit, with many friends. There was a huge table where we were gathered. Fred was there and he was serving us one entree after another. I can imagine this magical day clearly.

It got me thinking, it's the dreamlike quality of this old style of photography which has me so captivated and intriged.


Shelley said...

i love this post.

what makes it even more fantastical and dreamy for me is that for some reason i always think fred is the duck that trys to come inside for the corn. (i know he's not, but for some reason that's always who i picture when you say fred!)

so there is fred, jemima puddleduck kinda lookin' but masculine, being the perfect host. something like the tea party in alice in wonderland.


Val Cox said...

oh Shelley, this has me laughing with delight, great imagery! Val